Welcome to DiversiT [daɪˈvɜːsɪ tɪ:] Limited

About us

The company was founded in 2018 in Co. Cork, Republic of Ireland, after two directors, Radka and Henry, have decided to step up their efforts in reaching a sustainable level of work-life ballance, following years of hard work in different employments and several European countries.
Core values incorporated into company's identity are RESPECT for DIVERSITY, RESPONSIBILITY for all the DECISIONS ever made and ACCEPTING own MISTAKES as a form of never-ending SELF-EDUCATION.
We strongly believe that honest dialogue between different groups of people and meeting each others needs would make our world a better one.

Feel free to explore the range of PRODUCTS we offer, to both individuals and companies, including:

Scuba diving More than 10 years of scuba diving experience all over the globe

Project Management Over 15 years of experience in pharma/banking/insurance/telco/manufacturing environments

IT services 20+ years of experience especially in *nix world

Not sure whether we can help you?
Call us to discuss your needs or send us your query.

Legal and business information:
DiversiT Limited
Unit 3D, North Point House
North Point Business Park
New Mallow Road
Cork, Co. Cork
Republic of Ireland